Strengthening an Organization – Infusing Team Building Activities

“None of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful.” – Mother Teresa

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” – Henry Ford

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” – Michael Jordan

All these quotes point out one thing i.e.; teamwork is the key to succeed any battle (not literally). However, for that, a leader needs to build their team first. Building a good team does not imply hiring a self-acknowledged team player! One should instead focus on building high-performance teams with highly-capable members.

What Is Team Building?

Team building means an environment where planning, analyzing, and decision making is done in a cooperative and better way. Team building encourages excellent communication and cooperation, which further gives a boost to the bottom line of the company/organization.

What are the Benefits of Team Buildings?

  • Boosts Creativity
  • Enhances Group Morale
  • Communications get more meaningful and receptive 
  • Encourages Problem-Solving Skills
  • Endorses Cooperation 
  • Motivates the Work Culture

What is the Purpose of the Team Building?

The sheer purpose of team building is to build strong and long-lasting professional relationships, which helps in improving the quality of doing work in the long run. 

“A culture is strong when people work with each other for each other & weak when people work against each other for themselves.” – Simon Sinek

This quote clearly implies that when the people in an organization work with each other, for each other, rather than working against each other, the work culture gets strengthened. This is the importance of team building in any organization. 

Team Building Activities

So what team building activities can help you achieve the desired team and work efficiency? 

  • Indoor and Outdoor Games and Activities

You can incorporate indoor and outdoor team building games, which may help in improving the cooperative attributes. Indoor games such as Pictionary focus on enhancing communication and language, which makes the team, understand each other better. Outdoor team building activities like trekking or mountain climbing motivates the team to move towards a common goal collectively. 

  • Fun-Lunch

Besides games, you can also organize fun-lunch meetings which help the team in carrying forward light discussions, increase productivity as well as enhance the team-building spirit. Sponsor such lunch once a week and thoughtfully carry out work-related talks while infusing some sort of fun and light-hearted discussions.

  • Day Trips

Planning day trips help your team feel like family. So explore a city or place of your choice with your team. Such a gesture will help you as well as your team to take a break from the daily work pressure and generate better bonding with each other via healthy interactions. Furthermore, the outcome will be improved relationships among the team members and hence a great team to work with. 

  • Celebrating Each Other’s Success

When your team members perform beyond your expectations, then celebrate their achievements with your entire team. Never take their hard work and dedication for granted. Acknowledging their efforts will ultimately motivate them as well as other teammates to perform even better. Such a celebration will uplift positivity and strengthen unity.


Gregory Mike at The Collaboration Effect offers team building activities session that focuses on lessons learned regarding leadership and developing the leader within each of us. If you are interested in learning more ideas and ways to enhance the teamwork within your organization, then you must visit

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